JAZZ THE WAY YOU ARE. Louis F. Borromeo of Cebu, came back after hitting it big in the American entertainment circuit, and introduced jazz music to the Philippines by way of his song-dance-circus-magic revues that livened up the Carnivals. Ca. 1922.Luis Borromeo, originally from
Cebu, was one of the first Filipino entertainers who made it big in the jazz music halls of
America and
Canada in the first decade of the 20th century. In 1920,
Luis Borromeo returned to the Philippines, renamed himself
Borromeo Lou, and put up a band that popularized classical-jazz music. This music genre found favor in the local entertainment circuit, which integrated such performances in the variety shows, which
Borromeo later dubbed as
“vod-a-vil” or
‘bodabil’, Filipinized from the French ‘

The enterprising pianist-impresario went beyond spreading his jazz music by establishing his own repertory of artists known as the
“Borromeo Lou & Co., Ltd.” , which had magicians, dancers, acrobats, comedians, singers and musicians in its roster of performers. Soon,
Borromeo Lou was being invited to grace important events and high society functions.
In 1922,
Borromeo and his group was tapped by the
Manila Carnival Association to provide entertainment for the
1922 Manila Carnival. He was thus introduced to the Carnival audience as
“the originator and recognized King of Orientalized and ‘classic’ jazz, a pianist of rare skill and ability, and champion of all round mirth provoker of the Far East”.
Borromeo Lou and his group’s appearance as the star feature of the
1922 Carnival was made possible through a
“royal appointment by her Gracious Majesty, the Queen of the 1922 Manila Carnival”, as hyped up in ads promoting the show.
The cast was headed by
Borromeo Lou himself (“The Human Dynamo, Direcor and Classic-Jazz Pianist”),
Miss Toytoy ( “The captivating China girl that has won the hearts of all Manila with her character songs and distinctive dances”),
Datu Mandi (“The superb and inimitable
Moro baritone who interprets with perfection the most difficult operas and sings the exquisite melodies of modern composers”) ,
Dudu (“The Moro Musician”) , Lucas )”The Miniature Harold Lloyd”) ,
Hayoki and
Maruki San (“The Japanese Twins), musicians
Sulubi, Baki and
Swasing. Of course, Borromeo’s jazz orchestra, capable of
“producing about 240 jazz explosions per minute”, topbilled the Carnival show.

Borromeo Lou’s superb direction, his troupe dished out quality entertainment for the Carnival crowd, furnishing
“the joy racket of the big show”, night after night.
“If you’re sick, come and be cured. If you’re going to die, come and have a good laugh first. If you’re well, come and help carry out the Jazzophobia victims”—so went
Borromeo Lou’s call-to-action to Carnival visitors and revelers. His
“bodabil” shows would thrive for the rest of the American occupation—staged in
fiestas, petit fairs and theaters—and jumpstarting the careers of well-known artists as singer
Katy de la Cruz, dancer
Bayani Casimiro, and the
Charlie Chaplin look-alike,