Sunday, January 23, 2011

158. Captions from a Fabled Time: THE 1924 MANILA CARNIVAL

From revelers’ eyes come these side stories of the goings-on of the fabulous 1924 Manila Carnival. They are taken from souvenir Carnival photo postcards, sent to friends and relatives and inscribed at the back with the sender’s personal observations of the various aspects of the fair, giving us a front seat view of the sidelights and highlights of the national event, in accounts that are chatty, intriguing and always, amusing.



Ve aqui querido gasómetro la entrada de la ciudad de Momo (diseñada por el arquitecto Barretto). Por esa puerta ha pasado medio Manila y un buen promedio de gente de provincial. Es la boca en donde ha entrado muy cerca de cien mil pesitos. El carnival empezó el 16 de Febrero y termino el 24.

(I see here a gas meter* that I like at the entrance of the city of Mirth (designed by the architect Barreto). (That is why, through this gate, ) half of Manila have passed through and a good number of people from the provinces. It is the portal wherein very close to a hundred thousand bucks have entered. The carnival started on 16 February and will end on the 24th.)


Oh gasometro ve aqui la mansion en donde aletea D.Cupido y donde mas de dos corazones palpitan alborozados. El baile, frenetico, ahora cadencioso y siempre Nuevo. Ahora estan de moda qui en Manila el Scandal Walk y el Ambassadors y con el tiempo el “Loco Walk”.

(Oh, I see a gas meter* here in the mansion where Mr. Cupid is flapping (his wings) and where more than two hearts are beating jubilantly. The dance is frenetic, now rhythmic and always new. The latest fashion now in Manila is the Scandal Walk and the Ambassadors and the beat of the “Loco Walk”.)


Ilustre Suizo: Ve alli a la ilustre pañeja S.M. Trining y su consorte S. Jose Araneta (hermano de Salvador). Que pañeja mas monumental, verdad? Pero no te importe chico y no envidies el no haberte pordido encontrar entre nosotros durante estos dias de fiestas y Jolgorios, tu mission es escalar su Ph.D. y despues yo te prometo que sera’s el consorte de la prometida de tu corazon! Salud y exito, Luigi

(Distinguished Swiss:
This here, is the distinguished queen (Her Majesty) Trining and her consort , Mr. Jose Araneta (brother of Salvador). Isn’t it true that the queen looks more majestic? But do not worry, boy, and don’t be envious for not meeting us during these days of feast and merrymaking. Your mission is to attain your Ph.D., and then after, I promise that you will be the consort of the bride of your heart! Health and success, Luigi)

(NOTES: Luigi, a foreigner, sent these postcards to a Swiss friend. The Spanish word, "gasometro" literally means gas meter, but it may been used as a people counter, to determine the number of Carnival visitors. Most likely though, it is a euphemism for alcohol or spirits, sold freely at commercial booths, and which contributed to the "drunken revelries" that marked and marred the fair.)


A tower of light situated at the center of the Carnival ground proclaiming to delight all on-lookers, Miss Alicia Rimando


Maring, Ang Reyna sa Grand Stand ng ikatlong Parada. Nonaury

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