Wednesday, April 28, 2010


(To her guests on the occasion of a literary and musical program given by her on February 20, in honor of the Philippine Beauties of 1927.)

Charming guests, ladies and gentlemen:

It seldom falls upon the lot of a mortal and indeed, it presents itself but once in a life time, to have the honor, as I do this evening of extending a cordial welcome to this galaxy of beautiful ladies, the pride and gems of our land. Never in the history of this hall, has there been gathered a group of such charming and incomparable beauties, a bunch of the choicest and rarest flowers we might say, as there has been here tonight.

Blessed is this occasion and twice blessed in this hall where this evening we behold, as in a vision, this sisterly gathering of the representatives to the second national beauty contest of the pride and flower of the provinces of the Philippines. This hall, by your presence, charming guests, has been transformed, as one might say, into a rendezvous of the goddesses of Mount Olympus for the purpose of a divine meeting; and I, as a humble hostess in my capacity as representative of the City of Manila and of the entire Philippines,--an honor that others would have acquitted better than myself,--thank you and welcome you in the name of my Alma Mater, the Centro Escolar de SeƱoritas.

I thank you not only for your presence here tonight, but also for the gallantry and generosity with which you have received my election as Miss Philippines. I know I am unworthy of the distinction, and I would have been happier if others worthier than I were in my place. I have nothing to say but words of thanks to you, to the judges and to all those who have exalted me to such a place of honor.

I am very well aware of my responsibilities, and I tremble to think that my capacity, ability and beauty are not equal to the task. But I am confident that you will not abandon me in my trying hours as the honor you have conferred upon me involves the honor and dignity of our country.

Permit me, my guests, to convey to you my idea of the significance of the contest that has just terminated.. To my mind, the national beauty contest which was held for the second time in the Philippines, should not only be an occasion for the outburst of our admiration for physical beauty.

It should also be an occasion for the cultivation of a higher form of beauty—the spiritual beauty. It should be an occasion when the representatives of the various provinces vie with each other in beauty not for their personal aggrandizement but for the honor of the country we all love.

It should be an occasion for manifesting to the world without blushing that in this rosary of beautiful isles dwells a people conscious of its physical, moral and spiritual worth, a people that aspires to shape its own destiny.

As representatives of the pride and flower of our land, we have duties to perform. We are not mere decorations or works of arts to be exhibited in a museum. We are daughters of the Philippines, endowed with physical qualities that should be utilized for the refinement and elevation of our moral and spiritual legacies. This yearly gathering should also be an occasion for renewing our faith in the righteousness of our sublime aspiration—the freedom of the Philippines.

Because what is physical beauty unaccompanied by a spiritual grandeur, and what is spiritual greatness that does not aspire to liberty, the supreme of all sentiments?

Charming guests, once more, I welcome you. You are at home in this building; you have taken possession of it. Consider it as your own home and our worthy Directress as your own mother. Here you will not be lonely for in this house which you have taken possession of tonight, you will find loving hearts and sisterly affection.

Our hearts throb for you and all our best wishes are for you. These eager-looking ladies around you are your sisters who have come to this school to drink from its fountain of wisdom, that in the future will be of use to the land we all adore and for which we cherish a beautiful dream.

I thank you.

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